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Jump to: Live Help from ESSC | Registration Calendars (**Fall 2023**) | Important Dates and Upcoming ESSC Events (Tip: Use your browser's Find command [Ctrl/Cmd-F] to search for a topic on this page.)0
Resources for Specific Students:
- New Students (frosh and transfer)
- 2nd-Year Students (between 30 and 59 units)
- Transfer Students (upper division)
- Graduate Students
- Students Close to Graduating - Undergraduate | Graduate
- Veterans (Veteran Resource Center)
- International Students (ISSS)
- Former Students Returning (FSR)
- Fall 2020 Admits - free intersession course FAQ | UASC must process enrollment | **Questions**
Resources for All Students:
- **Tips on Registering for Courses**
- IT guides for PeopleSoft (My菠菜网lol正规平台) and Bursar
- Textbooks:
- Tutoring Schedule for courses (list of courses tutored) Fall 2023 now available
- Writing Center
- Resources: workshops | blog, handouts, & video tutorials | YouTube channel
- Tutoring: in-person, online, schedule appointments
(how to create an account on WCOnline) - Questions: | 408-924-2308
- Weeks of Welcome - ongoing campus-wide activities and events
- UndocuSpartan / DACA / CA Dream Act / TPS (USRC Clark Hall 100G | | 408-924-2792 | IG undocuspartans)
- Title IX and Gender Equity (nondiscrimination) - resources and policy | report a Title IX incident
- Study Abroad & Away
- Options available through Spartans Abroad Portal include
- Study Abroad and Away events - advising, info sessions
- Study Abroad 101 video
- Contact the SAA Team:
- College of Engineering Graduate Admissions
- Scholarships:
- Apply for 菠菜网lol正规平台 Spartan Scholarships | Engineering students
- Future of Silicon Valley Graduate Scholarship (applicants newly admitted to 菠菜网lol正规平台 graduate engineering programs for Fall 2022, who completed an undergraduate degree at 菠菜网lol正规平台 before Fall 2022, with preference given to 菠菜网lol正规平台 engineering majors and alumni)
- Global Spartan Month (March)
- Accessible Education Center (AEC) | register
- Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
- Library Liaision by subject/major | contact by chat or email
- Tutoring from Peer Connections
- Student Study Spaces - designated classrooms available for studying, attending online classes, and collaborating among students; in addition, visit King Library and Peer Connections
- Student Conference Support Grants (under College Research Initiatives) - information [docx] | application [docx]
- SAGE - Spartan Accelerated Graduate Education: combined bachelor’s and master’s programs in Chemical, Electrical, and Materials Engineering
- SAGE Scholars Process
- Engineering at 菠菜网lol正规平台 magazine: Spring 2023 [pdf] | Spring 2022 [pdf] | Fall 2021 [pdf] | Spring 2021 [pdf] | Fall 2020 [pdf] | Spring 2020 [pdf] | All
- Compilation of 菠菜网lol正规平台 Resources (Google Doc)
- Quick video on Canvas and Zoom links for classes
- Zoom resources (how-to videos, etc.)
- Information Technology (IT)
- Learn Anywhere - help and technology for online learning
- Information Security
- Advising Hub | Advising Directory (including college advising centers)
- Tutoring Hub - peer tutoring, writing center, workshops, and more
- Student Computing Services (located at MLK Library)
- borrow laptops, iPads, hotspots, and more at no charge
- MyGPS - technology tools for planning and tracking your success
- On-Campus Study Space with WiFi [pdf] (Spring 2021)
- Class Schedules
- Final Exam Policy - rescheduling finals / culminating activities (see conditions and deadlines i.e. at least 21 days before last class meeting)
- Financial Aid & Scholarship Office (FASO)
- Bursar's Office - forms and tutorials on payment of tuition, fees, housing, etc.
- Registrar's Office - forms for enrollment/registration, grades, transcripts, graduation, etc.
- Registration Basics - **important dates and deadlines**
- Excess Units petition [pdf] (3.0 GPA recommended; provide all required supporting documentation; max. of 17 units allowed in first semester at 菠菜网lol正规平台)
- FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- Grading Policy
- Finals Resources - activities, events, ongoing programs, tutoring
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
- Get Involved - clubs and organizations
- 菠菜网lol正规平台 Cares - health and wellness
Get Assistance with food, housing, medical, or emergency/disaster needs - Student Wellness Center - self-care education, medical services, counseling | You@菠菜网lol正规平台 wellness app
- Discover菠菜网lol正规平台 - opportunities across campus
- MESA Engineering Program (MEP)[BROKEN LINK] (math, engineering, science achievement)
- Career and Professional Development
- Clothing:
- Clothes Closet @ Office of Sustainability Mod F - make an appointment
- Spartan Career Closet @ 菠菜网lol正规平台 Career Center -
Need a Live Person's Help?
Our normal business days and hours, unless otherwise posted, are:
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(closed for lunch daily 12:00 - 1:00)
- ESSC Front Desk - Engineering building 1st floor Suite ENG 116 (map [pdf]), 408-924-3990
- Virtual Front Desk (Zoom) - see our calendar for virtual availability
- Drop-in advising - see our calendar for days and hours
- Scheduled one-on-one advising appointments - use Spartan Connect
- Group advising on specific topics - see our Workshops & Events calendar
Registration Calendars
Key dates for each term including registration and payment deadlines
Summer session | Fall 2023 | Winter session | Academic Year
Timeline for Fall 2023 Registration
Monday, March 13 | Deadline for Graduating Seniors to file for Enrollment Cap increase to 19 units |
Thursday, April 13 | Enrollment Appointments Viewable on My菠菜网lol正规平台 for continuing students Class schedule available on My菠菜网lol正规平台 or 菠菜网lol正规平台 Class Schedule Page |
Tuesday, April 25 |
Advance Registration for Continuing Students begins (ends Weds., Aug. 16) Enrollment Unit Cap: 17 (increases to 19 on Monday, July 3 |
Tuesday, May 16 | Variable waitlist process and Automated Waitlist Reprioritization begin (through Monday, Aug. 28) |
TBD | Enrollment Appointments Viewable on My菠菜网lol正规平台 for new undergraduate students Advance Registration for new undergraduate students begins (ends Wednesday, Aug. 16) |
Monday, June 26 | Enrollment Cap increases to 19 units for Graduating Seniors who applied for graduation by March 13, 2023 |
Monday, July 3 |
Enrollment Cap increases to 19 units for Continuing Undergraduate Students in Good Standing (no petition needed) (Enrollment Cap for Graduate Students remains at 16) |
Thurs. July 27 | Excess Units Petition available on Registrar's forms page (any Continuing Students in Good Standing, up to 21 units) Details here. |
Monday, July 31 | First time repeaters enrollment starts at 9:00 a.m. through My菠菜网lol正规平台 (during the last 3 weeks of Advance Registration) |
Second or more repeaters (Undergrads) may submit a completed repeat petition (Registrar's forms) - Registering in class will start from the first day of class. (If repeating a class for the 3rd or more time and/or repeating in excess of 28 units, use the DocuSign form. Details here.) |
Weds. Aug. 16 |
Advance Registration ends at 11:59 p.m. |
Thurs-Fri, Aug. 17-18 |
Registration closed |
Monday, Aug. 21 |
First Day of Instruction Late Registration period begins on My菠菜网lol正规平台 at 7:00 a.m. |
Tuesday, Aug. 29 |
Variable waitlist process and Automated Waitlist Reprioritization end at 11:59 p.m. |
Wednesday, Aug. 30 |
Some courses are opted out of waitlists so will show "instructor consent" and require a permission code (add code) to add any section of that course. |
Friday, Sept. 15 |
Late Registration period ends at 11:59 p.m. |
Monday, Sept. 18 |
Enrollment Census Date |
Tuesday, Sept. 19 |
Late Add Post-Census Request requirement begins at 9:00 a.m.(forms); ends Monday, Nov. 13. |
Monday, Nov. 13 |
Semester Withdrawal Deadline 5:00 p.m. |
Weds. Dec. 6 |
Last Day of Instruction |
Dec. 8-Dec. 15 |
Mon.-Tues. Dec. 18-19 |
Commencement (tentative; College of Engineering: TBD) |
Wed, Dec. 20 |
Dec. 20-Jan. 1, 2024 |
Winter Recess (campus closed) |
Wed, Jan. 10 |
Academic Standing & Current Semester Grades Posted on My菠菜网lol正规平台 & Transcripts |