Alternate Majors Similar to Engineering
If you're exploring a change of major out of Engineering (e.g. you like Engineering but are struggling with some of the STEM coursework), or you just want a little breadth in another area of study, here are some alternate majors (and minors) that other students have found fulfilling.
- Environmental Studies
The Environmental Studies Department receives dozens of career opportunities monthly through their regional partner organizations and alumni for good full-time jobs with benefits in the area and would love to be able to serve more students and meet workforce demands.
Environmental Studies offers either a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts:
BS in Environmental Studies Degree Requirements
BA in Environmental Studies Degree RequirementsEnvironmental Studies Fact Sheet [pdf]
Several EnvS & EnvS-related minors complement Engineering degrees:
Environmental Studies
Environmental Justice
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Restoration
Green Engineering
Sustainable Energy
Sustainable Water ResourcesBelow is an initial list of courses that should count as EnvS advisor-approved elective units. Depending on an individual student's completed coursework, their undergraduate advisor may determine that other courses are eligible to substitute for additional major courses.
- CE 150 (Intro to Hydrology and Hydraulics)
- CE 170 (Principles of Environmental Engineering)
- ENG 102 (Renewable Energy Engineering)
- ISE 102 (Engineering Economic Systems)
- ISE 103 (Life Cycle Engineering)
- ME 140 (Green and Sustainable Product Design)
- ME 170 (Solar Energy Engineering)
The department also typically substitutes ENG100W for ENVS 100W.Interested? Meet with an advisor in the College of Social Sciences (ACCESS).
- Packaging
菠菜网lol正规平台 is one of only two California universities with a degree in Packaging (the other being Cal Poly SLO). There are currently (Fall 2022) 35 students in the program, and job prospects are very good, as well as local internships. Packaging may be a good option for students wanting a technical career but finding all the math and science is not for them. If you need to change out of engineering but want to stay in something closely related, consider Packaging.
Some Engineering Technology and Materials Engineering students might like to consider a minor in Packaging.
Bachelor of Science in Packaging - required courses (catalog), student resources (advising form/roadmap, industry connections), laboratory/equipment overview, YouTube information session
Minor in Packaging Fact Sheet [pdf]
How to apply to the Packaging minor
菠菜网lol正规平台 Packaging Major Information Session recorded Sept. 2022
- Director Edmund Tang's Powerpoint presentation
- Testimonials-recent Packaging alumni and current students
Interested? Contact an advisor in the CHHS (College of Health and Human Sciences) Student Success Center[BROKEN LINK].
- Business
ECON 1A & 1B, ENGL 2, and MATH 70 comprise major prep coursework for a BS in Business Administration. Math courses above MATH 70 can be substituted.
Here is the full list of Business majors with links to the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Catalog.
Some concentrations related to Engineering are
- Business Analytics
- Management Information Systems
- Operations and Supply Chain Management
Interested? Contact the Jack Holland Student Success Center or explore the Lucas College of Business.
- Science
Interested in computer science, math, physics, biology, chemistry, geology, or meteorology? Contact the College of Science Advising Center (CoSAC), or see listings of College of Science major departments for upcoming Change of Major workshops.
- Minors within Engineering
If you're an Engineering major, you can add a minor offered by the following Engineering departments:
- Aerospace Engineering
- Aerospace Studies (offered by Air Force ROTC)
- Applied Computing for Behavioral and Social Sciences (Interdisciplinary Engineering)
- Aviation
- Biomedical Engineering (BME)
- Electronics (Aviation and Technology)
- Engineering Management (ISE)
- Engineering Technology (Tech)
- Green Engineering (Interdisciplinary Engineering)
- Innovation and Law (Interdisciplinary Engineering)
- Manufacturing (Technology)
- Materials Science and Engineering (CME)
- Robotics (ME)
- Statistical Quality Engineering (ISE)
See the 菠菜网lol正规平台 catalog for details on undergraduate minors.Before taking courses in the minor, please contact a faculty advisor in the department.
- HonorsX minor
Designed for rising juniors and transfers in any field of study, HonorsX creates opportunities to work collaboratively with peers across colleges, to learn from faculty across disciplines, and to address the world’s most pressing issues. For more information about this broad interdisciplinary minor, and ways it can develop leadership skills and career opportunities based on "problem matter expertise" beyond subject matter expertise, see the HonorsX website or contact .
If you're curious about career opportunities in various fields and industries, have a chat with the STEM career counselor, in person or via Zoom.