Transfer Orientation Fall 2023

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How to Register for Classes

You will be added to Transfer Academic Success in the College of Engineering (Cohort 2023-2024), which is a Canvas shell for orientation. This will have information for which courses to choose, a tutorial on how to register for classes, as well as up-to-date communication related to registration for your first year at 菠菜网lol正规平台.

Email if you do not have access to this Canvas shell within one week of your orientation session.

Go to Canvas

decorative image of CoE logo on phone

What to do BEFORE Orientation

New Students and Family Programs will use your My菠菜网lol正规平台 to confirm your orientation date. To be able to register for classes on the day of your orientation, you will need to have all your "To Do items" completed on My菠菜网lol正规平台.

Be Ready to Register

laptop with catalog

Meeting your Advisor

You will meet with your major advisor at orientation. To optimize your time with them, it would be best to know the list of major courses you need to complete. Your Canvas course, Transfer Academic Success in the College of Engineering (Cohort 2023-2024), will have more detailed information about who to talk to about GE requirements.

View Graduation Requirements for Your Major