Major Advising

What is major advising?

Major advising allows students to discuss course planning, career goals, and electives with their department advisor.

Each semester, an Engineering - Major Advising hold is placed on student accounts, preventing registration for the next term. Only the major advisor may remove this hold.

Be prepared with any paperwork or requirements set by the department regarding major advising. You will receive a reminder email from Spartan Connect to make an advising appointment.

Note: ESSC handles major advising for EE, ISE, ME (0-60 units), and BME (0-60 units). Other major advising is handled by the department as detailed below.

If you've completed the advising protocol (paperwork) for your major and after allowing 1-2 weeks for processing, please contact your department chair about hold removal.

Changing out of the College of Engineering?

To change your major out of the College of Engineering, follow these steps:

  1. Get an updated study plan from an advisor in the new major or its success center.
  2. Email the new study plan to (only for the ESSC to review and remove your Engineering hold).
  3. Complete your change-of-major with your new department.

Who is my major advisor?

Below is a spreadsheet of all CoE departments and major advisors. While most advisors require students to make an appointment, some have drop-in hours only. Please contact your department directly if you can't make drop-in hours.