How to Register for Classes


Registration FAQs 2022-2023 (Google Doc)
Registration Help 2022-2023 (Google Slides)
Add codes
Error Codes

Repeats and Grade Forgiveness (Registrar)
Math Enrollment Tips
Precalculus Proficiency Assessment
What you need to know

For Spring 2023:

Petition for Excess Units [pdf]

See the petition for conditions, limitations, and requirements: maximum of 19 units, up to 21 units for graduating seniors; 3.0 GPA recommended; provide all required supporting documentation; maximum of 17 units allowed in first semester at 菠菜网lol正规平台; deadline for spring 2023 was February 20, 2023.

Petition for a Repeat Exception

If you are repeating a class more than once (third or more attempt) you must submit a Petition for a Repeat Exception (DocuSign). This petition requires review by the major advisor and approval from the Associate Dean of the college where the course is housed.

ESSC Advisors can review and sign this petition only for students in majors we offer major advising for.

Please check the major advisor list to verify your major advisor. If your major advisor is an ESSC Advisor, please make an appointment with them to discuss retaking this course before submitting a petition. You can select the 'Policies & Procedures (i.e. grade forgiveness, forms, etc.)' tag on Spartan Connect when booking an appointment. If no appointments are available, please see an ESSC advisor during drop ins. Please contact our main ESSC inbox if you have additional questions.

What you need to know

  1. Learn the language and the nitty gritty details related to registering for courses on the Registrar's Registration Basics page.
  2. Students can search for classes automatically using MyScheduler or manually. Read Enroll in (Add) a Class [pdf] which includes step-by-step instructions with screenshots.
  3. Below is a demo from our peer advisor Eloisa, who uses MyPlanner and MyScheduler together.


Add codes

Permission number, enrollment code, add code--these are the same numbers that will allow you to register for a class.

When would I need an add code?

  1. If advanced registration is over, you will not be able to add nor drop courses online until the first day of classes. At this point, if you want to add a class, you need to have an add code You can, however, drop courses until the drop deadline at your discretion (see registration timelines).
  2. If you are undeclared or in a major outside of STEM and trying to change your major to the College of Engineering, these are courses that will require add codes:
    1. PHYS 50, 51, or 52: You will fill out a Google form on the PHYS department homepage. 
    2. CE 8:  If you are changing your major INTO Civil Engineering, you will need to ask for a "Request for Priority Status for CEE Courses" which can be found on the the CEE Undergraduate Advising page.  Students are not given add codes until the first day of instruction.

How do I get an add code?

Here are some recommended actions for getting a permission code. 

MATH Enrollment Tips

Prerequisites / Requisites

For most core courses, the registration system will block you from adding a course for which you do not have the prerequisites or requisites. If you took a math prerequisite at another college, you will need to have the transcript sent to 菠菜网lol正规平台's Office of the Registrar. 

Visit the Math department's Calculus info page for more information.

A common error students make is neglecting to add a math workshop (Math 30w, Math 31w, etc.) when adding a math course with an "x" in the course number (Math 30x, Math 31x, etc.).

Students also need to wait until their grades post in order to register for the next math level. 

Precalculus Proficiency Assessment (PPA)

This test can place you into Calculus one. If your AP scores will not be released before your orientation date, we recommend taking the PPA so you can register for a math class as soon as possible.

It's highly recommended that all students take the PPA in order to register for a math class that is appropriate for their level. Taking a math course that is either too difficult or too easy will have an effect on your graduation timeline.